2. Demo

2.1. Basic Demo


You should have basic knowledge of Docker and know how to use it.

We have Flopsar Docker repositories available publicly:


This repository contains base images of Flopsar Database and Manager. These images contain also workstation and agent binaries.


This repository contains a KonaKart application with Flopsar agent installed.


This repository contains JMeter load generator for flopsar/ecommerce application.


Before you start your demo you must acquire a license file from Flopsar Technology. Send a license request to support@flopsar.com to get one.

In order to run Flopsar demo, follow the instructions below carefully:

  1. Prepare your machine
    1. Make sure you have Docker installed and running on your machine.
    2. Make sure you do not have any services bound to ports: 8780,9000,10001.
  2. Download Flopsar images
    1. Pull the images:

      $ docker pull flopsar/ecommerce:2.1
      $ docker pull flopsar/flopsar:2.1
      $ docker pull flopsar/ecommerce-load:latest
    2. Make sure your images have been installed successfully:

      $ docker images
  3. Setup Docker network
    1. Create Docker network bridge

      $ docker network create -d bridge flopsar_bridge
  4. Setup database and manager container
    1. Start a container from flopsar/flopsar:2.1 image:

      $ docker run -t --net flopsar_bridge -p 9000:9000 -p 10001:10001 \
              --name myFlopsarDB -d flopsar/flopsar:2.1
    2. Copy your license file license.key:

      $ docker cp license.key myFlopsarDB:/home/flopsar/flopsar-mgr/lic/
    3. Start Flopsar database and manager:

      $ docker exec -td myFlopsarDB /start-flopsar.sh


      You can always log into your container by executing the following command:

      $ docker exec -it myFlopsarDB bash
  5. Setup eCommerce container
    1. Start a container from flopsar/ecommerce:2.1 image:

      $ docker run -t --net flopsar_bridge -p 8780:8780 --name myFlopsarEcommerce \
      -e FLOPSAR_MANAGER=myFlopsarDB -e FLOPSAR_ID=konakart -d flopsar/ecommerce:2.1 /start-flopsar.sh
    2. Verify the container is up and running. You should see it on the docker list of running containers:

      $ docker ps
    3. Verify the eCommerce application is up and running. Open your Internet browser and type http://localhost:8780. Refresh the page a few times if nothing is displayed.

  6. Optionally, you can start the load generator
    1. Find the IP address (FLOPSAR_IP) of myFlopsarDB container:

      $ docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' myFlopsarDB
    2. Start the load container and put

      $ docker run -t --net flopsar_bridge --add-host="konakart:<FLOPSAR_IP>" --name myFlopsarLoad \
            -d flopsar/ecommerce-load:latest /start-load.sh

      where <FLOPSAR_IP> is the IP address of the myFlopsarDB container.

  7. Setup workstation
    1. Get workstation application:

      $ docker cp myFlopsarDB:/home/flopsar/workstation.zip .
    2. Unzip and start it.

    3. Login to your manager instance. Fill out the login form with the following data:

      Connection ID: docker
      Manager Address:
      Username: admin
      Password: flopsar


If you want to instrument your own application you can always get Flopsar agent from flopsar/flopsar images:

$ docker cp myFlopsarDB:/home/flopsar/flopsar-agent-2.1.jar .


You can also download a script and run the above commands in one turn:

$ docker2.1.sh path/to/your/license.key

2.2. More Demos

In the previous section we described in details a basic demo. Please refer to our GitHub repository where you can find scripts for various Flopsar demo configurations. We will update this repository everytime a new Flopsar demo configuration is ready.